Monday, 17 August 2009

At last the day has arrived! I Have been for a walk

Yes.... very unexpectadly I have done it peeps..I went to a freinds yesterday and she encouraged me to have a walk to Tesco with her, she never told me how far it was ( it was a mile) but when I got half way ( half a mile) I stopped and waited for her (on my own ) in a park...this was 10 mile away from home, not in my village!.... This has been a massive huge The BIG step for me.... I walked a whole mile there and back and I am so proud of my self... for the first time in two years i can see the light at the end of the last...... here is a couple of i was thinkin of my blog all the time..... the first vid is me contemplating walking further.... you can see me little mind going and all the questions ....then the other is of me in the park sat down waiting for her on me own... there I was in a very vunerable situation as If i had of panicked I would have had no one or nothing... but i was ok.

Just to add I have walked around my village today...was fine on the way to the shops but back was a bit dodgy but did it ! .whats happening!!!!! x

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Havin a great time!

Guys I have been having a fab time lately getting out and walking about.... not totally cured but getting there...can go ANYWHERE now in a car etc ..its just the process of walking to far from the car or being with out my bike.... I can say i feel 85% my self again ...... here is a few vids of my recent day out ...funni! x sorry they are sideways x